Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Crisis of the missing Lovey...

Baby brother Colt is a good sleeper. He and I are totally on the same schedule. We both go down for the count at about 8:30 together, and sleep through the night until about 8:00 in the morning. We are totally on the same page, we both get cranky if we stay up past our bedtime, and we both like sleeping with the light just so, and our humidifier on. We also both like to sleep with our favorite blankets.

Mine is a hospital blanket that Dad gave me when Mom and baby brother Colt were still in the hospital. It is pretty dirty because it stays in my bed and has never been washed, but I love it and sleep on it every night.

Now Baby brother Colt is about as picky as Rhett Bostrom, and Baby Colt has a favorite blanky too. His is called Lovey, and he, like me, can't sleep without his Lovey.
So, you can imagine the panic when Baby brother Colt was tired and ready for bed and Lovey was no where to be found. Not in his crib where it usually it, not in his stroller where it might have been left, not on the couch, or on his playmat, or anywhere it seemed! The house was a very bad place for a few minutes there until Mom noticed that while Wilkes, Rhett and Colt were loud and upset, fur brother Wade was no where to be found...
Because he had stolen Lovey and was sound asleep on the couch!! Lovey is a hot commodity in this house...

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