Friday, February 8, 2013

Rhett Hearts the Baby

We've had some news here... Baby Colt has a flat head because he, like the Tatum (and Bostrom) cocker spaniel fur brothers sleeps for 10-12 hours a night. Apparently when little babies sleep for that long in the same position, it flattens out one part of their head... We fur brothers are finding this confusing, because we sleep in our (ok, sometimes in our parents) beds for that long, and our heads don't get flat...
But anyways. Baby Colt's head got flat, so he has to wear a baby helmet for 8 weeks. A special helmet called a DOC band that Mom has informed us costs more than our three dog vet bills, food bills, everything! for the year. Now, the baby is supposed to wear the helmet for 23 hours a day, which means, one hour a day, no helmet. (Mom won't let me get in the tub with him, yet, but I really want to get in. He has great toys, and Rhett Bostrom loves toys...)
 I was a little confused by all this helmet stuff at first, I mean, he looks different in it! And I really, really wanted the chance to soft jaw that helmet when the baby had it off in the tub... But then I gave him a good sniff and realized its the same baby! I still love him... maybe even a little more now that it looks like he has a permanent toy on his head!

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