Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Christmas with Weird Cousin Riley

 Well, Grammy and Grampa Bob haven't gotten to TX yet. Mom said they were coming, and even used the excited voice that she KNOWS gets me all worked up, but they still aren't here. I spent a full hour waiting by the front door with my tail waggling at full attention thinking they were coming, but they never did. I got a little frustrated with Mom at that point and may or may not have peed on the baby's clean diaper pile after brother Wade pulled open the changing table drawer and pulled them all out....Wade of course being the genius that he is just couldn't help himself, and apparently neither could I!
So. Back to Weird Cousin Riley. Every year at Christmas Wilkes and I head home to Grammy and Gramps house in Virginia and have weird Cousin Riley to deal with.
Weird Cousin Riley wants to be just like Wilkes and I. Mom says he isn't coming to Texas for this trip, and I am a little sad. I kind of like stealing Weird Cousin Riley's bones and then taunting him, and putting my toys all over his bed while I climb on Gramps lap.
The thing Weird Cousin Riley doesn't have is matching Christmas Jams. Wilkes and I always have a few pairs of matching Christmas Jammies that Mom brings out for the holidays. Green ones...
And red ones for Christmas breakfast...
Of course, now that we have fur brother Wade and real baby brother Colt added to the mix, we don't have quite as many outfit changes as we used to. Mom says she gets too busy during the day to keep us as stylish as we have become accustomed. I mean, this past year we were just all plaid.
Plaid and Sad that is.

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