Thursday, January 31, 2013

TOYS! are not all for me???

Now. I may be a "senior" Cocker Spaniel, but that doesn't mean Rhett Bostrom doesn't love love love toys. I have two big favorites, Pink Stick and crab, but my parents had to hide them in the pantry on the shelf I can't climb to since annoying fur brother Wade doesn't know how to soft jaw like I do... I mean seriously?! is it that hard to lovingly nibble and move the toys outside to the sun porch for the day and then back in to guard the door for the night??? Apparently for Wade it is, since he chews them up and spits the stuffing all over the house... Mom and Dad don't like it since they have to clean it up, and I don't like it because my toys are dying daily!! Anyways though... Without Pink Stick and Crab, whats a toy loving dog like me to do???? One answer. Baby has toys.
Rhett has baby's toys.
My mom got so annoyed with baby and I sharing squeaky Sophie she had to go out and get me my own. She labeled mine and the baby's so she could tell them apart, but really, does she think a dog can read???? obviously I end up with the baby's toy as often as he ends up with mine... Spit swapping brothers!!
And, speaking of spit.... The baby has brought one unexpected perk to the Tatum household. PACIFIERS. They sure are amazing. Great to hold on the tongue, carry around, soft jaw and steal out of baby's bed (sometimes  a dog has to do what a dog has to do... yes, it requires a good quick jump in and out of the crib to grab a forgotten pacifier in the morning, luckily Rhett Bostrom has springy dog knees for an old guy...)

So anyways, I am minding my business when my Mom gets home from her run, just hanging out, chewing my paci, when she yells at me, takes the pacifier and sends me outside!! I mean, what's a dog to do??? It's like she doesn't think I have the right to everything in the house??? Well, not to worry. When she throws me outside for being a bad dog, I just come right back in the dog door, take a quick pee on the side of the bed to show her whose boss, and, Surprise!! Head back for a pre-stashed baby toy on the couch by the window from earlier! Like I said... Baby toys equal Rhett Bostrom toys, when will my mother ever learn ;)

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