Friday, November 28, 2014

Hating on the kiddos (kinda)...

So, Rhett Bostrom has a little confession. Maybe, just maybe, the kids aren't so bad...
They have this great new place, the "toy room". Rhett Bostrom LOVES toys. But even more, Rhett Bostrom LOVES that the kids get to eat in the toy room, and then get distracted by toys.... 
I mean, Someone has to take care of the forgotten snacks before they spill!!  It's the responsible big brother thing to do. The best part?? Mom can't stay mad at this guy. 
Rhett Bostrom is a lover, not a fighter. 

Thankful for Rhett Bostrom

LRhett Bostrom is thankful today. Thankful for a place at the holiday table. 
Thankful that mom sneaks Rhett Bostrom a nip of watered down wine after dinner.YUM