Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The toddler years

Where has Rhett Bostrom been lately
You may be wondering????

Trying to avoid the toddler. Everywhere Rhett Bostrom goes, there he is...
He even ruined Rhett Bostrom's Christmas card solo photo opps.
No escaping the toddler.
Someone help me!!!!!!! What's an aging cocker spaniel to do????!!!! 

Green eyed dragon

Yesterday Rhett Bostrom was out for a car ride with mom and Aunt Allison (Rhett Bostrom's faaaaavorite person evah) 

... Oh yeah, and him, the toddler.... So, We swung by Starbuck drive through, and I thought yay! My favorite place! But did Rhett Bostrom get a latte? Or a mocha? Or even a pupp whip??? NO. Nothing. But guess who did...
Rhett Bostrom is
NOT pleased. There was no chip sharing either. Selfish toddler. Rhett Bostrom was very sad but then was allowed to ride shotgun with mom to make up for it. It was a GOOD day.
Very good! No toddlers allowed in the front after all!!!
Happy Rhett Bostrom.